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Regulatory roadblock: The hidden threat to industry growth
For the global drones industry, the development of a progressive, enabling regulatory environment represents one of the biggest challenges we face to operating – and the biggest facilitator of growth.
Operators, manufacturers and other key stakeholders from across industry rightly need to spend considerable effort in making the case for and contributing to the continued development of regulatory frameworks.

Skyports Drone Services onboards RigiTech to launch inter-island drone deliveries in Korea
Skyports Drone Services has today announced the launch of a new project in Yeosu City, Korea, for the delivery of pharmaceuticals and foodstuffs by drone. The project will be the first time Skyports Drone Services operates flights with new drone partner RigiTech. The Yeosu City drone project, supported by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and…

Skyports Drone Services demonstrates heavy lift for Royal Navy logistics and humanitarian use cases
Skyports Drone Services, the global leader in drone deliveries, surveys and monitoring, has today announced its successful participation in phase two of the Royal Navy Uncrewed Aerial Systems Heavy Lift Challenge (UASHLC) with Pelican Cargo, a fully autonomous and 100% electric, heavy-payload aircraft made by Pyka, the California-based leader in industrial autonomous electric aircraft technology.…

Skyports Drone Services partners with Carbonix to support scale up of long-range drone operations in Australia
Skyports Drone Services has partnered with Australian drone manufacturer Carbonix to scale beyond visual line of sight (BVLOS) operations across the country using its long-range vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) aircraft. In the first phase of the partnership, Skyports Drone Services will embed specialist international drone pilots within Carbonix. The expert pilots will provide Carbonix…

Skyports Drone Services partners with Equinor for cargo drone deliveries to offshore oil field
Skyports Drone Services, a leader in drone logistics, survey and monitoring operations, and Norwegian energy firm Equinor, have partnered to trial electric drone deliveries to oil installations (“oil rigs”) in the North Sea. The project aims to demonstrate how on-demand cargo drone services can solve logistical challenges and improve safety and sustainability in the offshore…

EMED Group and Skyports Drone Services trial medical courier services by drone
EMED Group, one of the largest healthcare logistic providers to the NHS, and Skyports Drone Services have successfully completed a proof-of-concept project aimed at bringing additional innovation and sustainability benefits to medical courier services. Launched in June 2023, the four-week trial was run with East Suffolk and North Essex NHS Foundation Trust (ESNEFT), an existing…

Royal Mail and Skyports Drone Services launch fully electric drone deliveries in Orkney
Royal Mail and Skyports Drone Services have today announced the launch of the Orkney I-Port operation, a drone delivery project established in partnership with Orkney Islands Council Harbour Authority and Loganair. Royal Mail and Skyports Drone Services have established a daily inter-island mail distribution service between three islands on Orkney. The project will initially operate…

Skyports Drone Services’ new drone partner makes debut for Royal Mail delivery project
Skyports Drone Services has today announced Speedbird Aero as new aircraft partner for the Orkney I-Port operation, a drone delivery project established in partnership with Royal Mail, Orkney Islands Council Harbour Authority and Loganair. Speedbird Aero has been selected as the latest aircraft partner to join Skyports Drone Services’ world-class drone fleet. The Brazilian drone…

Building a World Class Fleet
We pride ourselves on the profound knowledge of our remote pilots, who form the backbone of our operations. Our global team of flight operators comprises a remarkable collective of professionals, including ex-competitive drone pilots, former and active military personnel, and trained crewed aircraft pilots. The knowledge and skill they each bring to the table is…

Skyports Drone Services demonstrates medical drone delivery capabilities to Thailand’s Ministry of Public Health
Reduces delivery times from approximately 55 minutes to under seven minutes Satun, Thailand, 2 June 2023 Skyports Drone Services, the global leader in drone deliveries, surveys and monitoring, today successfully conducted a landmark medical drone delivery demonstration for Thailand’s Ministry of Public Health. The demonstration comes after Skyports Drone Services successfully obtained Beyond Visual Line of…

World-Leading Drone Centre Opens in Buckinghamshire
The Satellite Applications Catapult launches its new Drone Test and Development Centre (DTDC) facility at Westcott Venture Park in Buckinghamshire. The site is a former RAF base and has a 270m runway, four dedicated landing pads for vertical, or vertical to horizontal take-off, and multiple flying areas offering real-world environments. The DTDC offers permanent hangars as workshop space for…

Introducing Mitchell Williams, Skyports’ new Korea Country Manager
In an interview with Skyports new Korea Country Manager, Mitchell Williams, we take a closer look at the adoption of Advanced Air Mobility (AAM) and Drone Services in Korea, how we anticipate it will take shape, and the impact it will have in one of the world’s innovation powerhouses. Q: You’ve lived in Korea for over…